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Out of the Burrough has been brought about by Sarah Mann. Having been brought up on a diet of Formula 1 and Touring cars by her engineer father and her creativity encouraged she found herself working in the Oil/Gas and Renewable industry via a somewhat unorthodox equine degree route.


This background has given her an appreciation of hard work, deadlines, business management, interpretation of specifications and customer requests but lacked the creative flair and automotive influence that always remained a constant in her life.


In her spare time Sarah spent several seasons acting as team manager for Napier Racing in various race series, on track days and undertaking her own sewing and craft projects.


One major task that she is steadily working through is the custom interior of her 1966 classic mini (pictured left) that is currently undergoing significant restoration courtesy of her father.



To follow on from her many years of home experimenting in sewing and crafts Sarah has undertaken tutelage in modern and traditional furniture upholstery methods as well as car trimming at JA Milton in Shropshire with the esteemed Patrick Wood who spent over 30 years at Jaguar in their car trimming and training departments. These opportunities led to the skills learnt being honed and formalised through the AMUSF Upholstery Diploma Qualification completed in 2020

Keen to continually develop her skills Sarah will be continuing with additional courses to benefit the works carried out with a current target of leather skills workshops.


Our Equipment

Available at our disposal is a Typical GC6-7D walking foot unison feed industrial sewing machine, Juki overlocker sewing machine, Janome domestic sewing machine, and a growing selection of upholstery staplers to aid our work.


Out of the Burrough is taking on Domestic, Commercial, Automotive, and Marine upholstery and soft furnishings therefore please do not hesitate to get in touch to discuss your project and how we can help.

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